The diploma course “Climate Change Actions at Regional and Local Level” is now underway, with a whopping 600 participants! This course aims to support the implementation of the Climate Change Law in Chile


    The diploma is part of the project “Action, territory and climate” of the Ministry of Environment and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which seeks to strengthen capacities at subnational and local level in the country for the implementation of the Framework Law on Climate Change and its related instruments.

    By: CR2 Communications

    On Tuesday, March 5th, the “Climate Change Actions at Regional and Local Level” diploma course was officially launched. This initiative is funded by the Green Climate Fund and implemented by the Ministry of Environment, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The course is being taught by the Center for Environmental Law (CDA) of the University of Chile in conjunction with the Center for Climate Science and Resilience CR2. The program aims to provide individuals with knowledge and skills to address the challenges of climate change at regional and local levels. The funding for this program has been provided by the Green Climate Fund.

    The diploma course began with a keynote speech by the Minister of the Environment, Maisa Rojas, in an event that included the participation of Jessica Casaza, FAO technical leader for the project, and Pilar Moraga, director of CR2 and CDA.

    “The objective of the diploma course is to strengthen capacities in the area of climate action throughout the territory, with a focus on regional and local governments. It is an unprecedented activity that will certify more than 600 people, including public officials and local actors,” said Pilar Moraga.

    Jessica Casaza stated that the diploma course would help students comprehend climate change and emphasized the significance of environmental legislation implemented in Chile. She also mentioned that the Framework Law on Climate Change showcases Chile’s leadership and establishes a strategic framework that can inspire other countries to pursue environmental sustainability.

    In the keynote speech titled “Action, Territory, and Climate,” the Minister of the Environment, Maisa Rojas, discussed the progress made in implementing the Framework Law on Climate Change in the country and the current status of regional climate change action plans.

    In her presentation, Minister Rojas explained that Chile has had the Framework Law since June 2022. Implementing this law is a major challenge for the State, particularly at the subnational level. In this regard, the diploma course is crucial in building the necessary capacities to meet this challenge.

    Local climate action

    The course sought to bring together professionals, civil servants, and people interested in addressing the climate crisis by designing and implementing regional and community action plans established by the Framework Law on Climate Change.

    Paulina Ramírez, a professional of the Regional Government of Maule and one of the more than 600 people enrolled in the diploma course, said that the program will help her to “comprehensively deepen the effects of change in both urban and rural territories, thus addressing the issue in a systemic way both in territorial planning and in regional public policies. On the other hand, it will be relevant to strengthen knowledge in the legal field that will allow us to provide greater protection to the territory and its communities”.

    Another participant in this training initiative is Andrea Mardones, an Air Quality and Climate Change professional of the Seremi de Medio Ambiente of the Biobío Region. From her perspective, she explains that “the diploma course is a powerful tool to be able to carry out the interdisciplinary work necessary for the development and implementation of the regional plan, and it will also lay the foundations so that Seremi’s work team can contribute and link synergies for the different instruments. The diploma course has the solid backing of prestigious institutions with experience in this area, and I personally value very much the contribution it will make to my professional training”, he concluded.

    During the five-month duration, the diploma course will be developed into 5 modules: Introduction to Climate Change; Analysis of Vulnerability to Climate Change; Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Black Carbon; Climate Change Management Instruments; Preparation and Practical Experiences of the Regional and Communal Climate Change Action Plan.

    It’s worth mentioning that Chile has implemented one of the first laws of its kind in Latin America called the Framework Law on Climate Change. The law aims to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement, with a particular focus on achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.