Full-time Researchers
Hydraulic Engineer with a Master’s degree in Water Resources and Environment from the University of Chile and a PhD in Hydrology from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her scientific interests include understanding and characterizing the hydrological cycle and working in interdisciplinary teams to quantify the impacts of climate change on hydrology, ecosystems, and society. She employs quantitative data processing tools and hydrological modeling to address complex issues, including water security in the context of climate change; drought propagation in the hydrological cycle; the impacts of climate, anthropogenic water use, and land-use changes on water provision; sustainable use of groundwater; and water resource management, among others.
Email: calvarezgarreton@gmail.com | ORC ID: 0000-0002-5381-4863 | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE
Associate Professor in the Department of Geophysics at the University of Chile. Physicist from the University of Chile, with a Master’s degree in Meteorology and Climatology from the same institution. He obtained his PhD in Climate Sciences from École Polytechnique, France. His research focuses on climate variability and change, emphasizing the physical mechanisms that determine precipitation and continental hydrology changes in response to anthropogenic forcings. With a particular interest in the Southeast Pacific and South American region, his work includes the use and evaluation of climate and hydrological models, as well as the development of reference products based on terrestrial and satellite observations.
Email: jboisier@uchile.cl | ORC ID: 0000-0003-3872-2538 | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE
Resilient cities: Full-time Researcher
Associate Professor in the Department of Geophysics at the University of Chile. He is an Environmental Chemist from the University of Chile, with a PhD in Chemistry from the same institution, and completed his postdoctoral research at the University of California, Los Angeles, United States. His scientific interests include the impact of volatile organic compounds on urban and industrial air quality in Chile, regional and global ozone trends, and the study of stratosphere-troposphere exchange processes in the Southern Hemisphere. He is currently a steering committee member of the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR-II).
Email: rodrigoseguel@uchile.cl | ORC ID: 0000-0003-4641-5618 | RESEARCH GATE
Coastal zone | Associate Researchers
She is a Collaborative Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Chile. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences and is a Social-Community Psychologist from the University of Chile, with a PhD in Latin American Studies from the same institution. She completed her postdoctoral research at CR2, investigating the human dimension of harmful algal blooms. Her research areas include socio-environmental conflicts, socio-natural disasters, community organization and participation, and social movements.
Email: amuc@u.uchile.cl | ORC ID: 0000-0003-0699-3085 | RESEARCH GATE