Principal Investigators

René Garreaud
Tenured Professor in the Department of Geophysics at the University of Chile since 2011. He served as the department’s director between 2008-2009. In 2000, he obtained a Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Washington, Seattle, United States, working on tropical-extratropical interaction and modeling the climate of South America. He holds a Civil Engineering degree and a Master’s in Geophysics from the University of Chile (1993). His research areas include climate change and vulnerability, emphasizing South America. He has also contributed to coastal synoptics and mountain meteorology, as reflected in his over 50 publications in specialized journals. In 2019, he was named a corresponding Chilean Academy of Sciences member.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0002-7875-2443 | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE
Principal Investigator | Land use change

Mauro E. González
Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources of the Universidad Austral de Chile. He is a forest engineer from the same university and holds a master’s and doctorate in Geography from the University of Colorado at Boulder, United States. His research focuses on understanding the influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the ecology and dynamics of forests, aiming to promote and provide the scientific-technical bases for the management, conservation, and restoration of native forests in south-central Chile. He has been a member of the Native Forest Advisory Council (Ministry of Agriculture) and vice president of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chile.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0002-4333-724X | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE
Principal Investigator | Resilient cities

Eugenia Gayó
Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Chile since 2023. She is a biologist from the University of Concepción and holds a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, specializing in Ecology. Her research focuses on historical ecology, addressing different dimensions of articulating dynamics and feedback between biophysical and social systems at various spatial and temporal scales (from thousands of years to decades). She has participated as an expert reviewer for the IPCC’s AR5 and AR6 reports and served as Chile’s delegate to the IPCC between 2022 and 2023.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0003-0746-0512 | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE
Principal Investigator | Governance and science-policy interface

Pilar Moraga
Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile. She is a lawyer from the same university and holds a master’s and doctorate in Law from the University of Lille 2, France. She is currently the Director of the Environmental Law Center and an associate researcher at the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile). She has numerous publications in environmental law, climate change, and energy.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0001-8847-8559 | RESEARCH GATE
Rodolfo Sapiains
Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Chile. Psychologist and Master’s in Community Psychology from the University of Chile. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychological Factors for Environmental Management from the University of Queensland, Australia. He was the principal researcher of the 2016 National Environment and Climate Change Survey, developed by the Ministry of the Environment, the University of Chile, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and the CR2.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0003-0366-5553 | RESEARCH GATE
Principal Investigator | Coastal zone

Martín Jacques
Academic in the Department of Geophysics at the University of Concepción. He holds a Ph.D. in Climate Sciences from the University of Bern, Switzerland. He completed his undergraduate and master’s degrees in Geophysics (Meteorology and Climatology) at the University of Chile. His research area is focused on climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in South America. He conducted a postdoctoral stay at the University of Bern and worked at MeteoSwiss, the Swiss Meteorological Service.
Email: | ORC ID: 0000-0002-8841-3699 | RESEARCH GATE | SCHOLAR GOOGLE