About CR2

The Center

The Center for Climate and Resilience Science (CR2) is a research institution that brings together investigators from the social and natural sciences. Its aim is to generate knowledge about climate science and resilience from an interdisciplinary perspective and study how climate change impacts Chilean ecosystems and society.

CR2 was established in 2013 with funding from the Priority Areas Program (FONDAP) of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). It convenes researchers from the University of Chile (sponsoring institution), the University of Concepción, the Austral University of Chile (associated institutions), and other academic institutions throughout the country.

The first cycle of CR2, from 2013 to 2017, focused on understanding the climate system and its impacts on the country, strengthening the national scientific community, and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. In its second cycle, from 2018 to 2023, CR2 added the commitment to become a relevant national actor in achieving sustainable development and meeting Chile’s carbon emission reduction target as per the Paris Agreement.

During 2024-2025, CR2 aims to expand its research to South America, including the Antarctic territory, to lay the groundwork for a future regional projection of the center’s work.

Mission and Vision

  • The Center for Climate and Resilience Science (CR2) is a center of excellence comprised of academics and researchers from the social and natural sciences. Its primary purpose is to generate interdisciplinary research on climate science and resilience.
  • CR2 also seeks to support the training of new researchers, collaborate with the public policy cycle, and inform society about the scientific knowledge generated.
  • CR2’s work concerns the scientific community, decision-makers, public institutions, and society.
  • CR2 projects itself as a relevant research center, a global reference in climate and resilience issues from Latin America that accompanies the transformation of a changing world.

The CR2 management, administration, scientific computing, interdisciplinary work, training, and communications teams operate in the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Chile.

Organizational Chart