Analysis CR2 | Scope and Perspectives Associated with the Ozone Evaluation Report in South...
Rodrigo Seguel a, b, Charlie Opazo a, b y Lucas Castillo a, b
a Center for Climate Science and Resilience Research
b Department of Geophysics, Faculty...
Policy Brief CR2 | Urban Climate, Climate-Sensitive Planning, and Urban Climate Justice in Chile
Pamela Smith, Eugenia Gayó, Estela Blanco, Pablo Sarricolea, Karla Yohannessen, Anahí Urquiza, Marco Billi, CR2 researchers, and Teresita Alcántara, School of Government and Public...
Researchers from CR2 awarded Fondecyt Initiation projects for 2024
The research projects led by Camila Álvarez-Garretón, Estela Blanco, Cecilia Ibarra, Javier Lopatin, and Alejandro Miranda have been granted funding by the Subdirectorate of...
Policy brief CR2 | The Challenges of Air Pollution in the Quintero-Puchuncaví Bay
By Rodrigo Seguel, Researcher at the Center for Climate Science and Resilience (CR2)
Since 1955, various productive activities have been concentrated in the Quintero-Puchuncaví...
CR2 researcher is elected to integrate the new IPCC bureau
Dr. Laura Gallardo, researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Researcher CR2, was elected as vice-chair of the Working Group II for the...
Policy brief | Environmental injustice and sacrifice zones: The Puchuncaví case
The socio-environmental history of Puchuncaví, a renowned sacrifice zone located in the Valparaíso Region, Chile, has been reconstructed for the last 136 years.
Atmospheric Tales: Building climate resilience in South American cities (Spotify)
In this episode we discuss inequalities and segregation as drivers of climate risks and vulnerability.
Participative decision-making — listening to citizens during the planning...
Analysis | We must pay attention to the voice of experience: What does the...
By Fabrice Lambert, associate researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2. Academic at the Institute of Geography of the Pontificia Universidad...
The 4 biggest lessons from the latest IPCC climate report (Popular Science)
The new IPCC report underscores the need for swift climate action.
By Ula Chrobak
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change doesn’t hedge in its latest assessment...
Analysis | Regulation of volatile organic compounds: a systemic look
By Rodrigo Seguel, full-time researcher at Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2.
Thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) coexist in the atmosphere due to...