The CR2’s objectives include the development of advanced human capital. To this end, various courses and workshops have been designed for undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, academics, public service members, and the community.
CR2 Training Initiatives
These initiatives are supported by an interdisciplinary academic body comprising professionals and researchers from the center and other institutions, aiming to provide up-to-date information on climate change-related topics.
Undergraduate Education

General Education Course (CFG): Climate Change and Sustainability
Principal Investigators: Eugenia Gayó, Martín Jacques and Pamela Smith
Coordination: Macarena Salinas and Tamara Oyarzún
Implementation Period: First semester from 2020 to present
Responsible Institution: CR2, Universidad de Chile
Collaborator: Universidad de Concepción (from 2024)
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The course aims to provide students with general knowledge about climate change and sustainability through an interdisciplinary approach, enabling understanding of climate change problems and impacts on the environment and society.

General Education Course (CFG): Climate Change from a Gender Perspective: An Opportunity for Transformation
Principal Investigator: María Christina Fragkou
Coordination: Macarena Salinas
Implementation Period: Second semester from 2024
Responsible Institution: CR2, Universidad de Chile
Collaborator: Nucleus of Transdisciplinary Systemic Studies (NEST-r3)
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The course aims to provide basic knowledge about the current situation and challenges of climate change. It delves into gender theories to recognize differentiated consequences in a climate change context and the importance of an integrated and inclusive approach, emphasizing local and ancestral knowledge in developing territorial adaptation measures.

General Education Course (CFG): Energy Poverty in Chile: Approaches and Perspectives
Principal Investigator: Pamela Smith
Coordination: Tamara Oyarzún
Implementation Period: Second semester from 2020 to present
Responsible Institutions: Nucleus of Transdisciplinary Systemic Studies (NEST-r3), Universidad de Chile and Energy Poverty Network (RedPE)
Collaborator: CR2
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The course aims to generate transdisciplinary discussion on the concept of energy poverty (EP), its new approaches and perspectives. The scope and meaning of EP promote a teaching-learning process that considers students’ personal experiences, prior disciplinary knowledge, and the latest disciplinary developments in social, human, physical, and natural sciences.
Course link available here.
Open Courses

UAbierta Course: Climate Change
Principal Investigator: Anahí Urquiza
Coordination: José Barraza
Implementation Period: Year-round
Responsible Institution: CR2, Universidad de Chile
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The course aims to foster understanding of climate change, its causes and consequences, and explore how society can adapt to and mitigate its effects. Open to the public without prerequisites, it targets those interested in environmental issues and addressing climate change challenges.
MOOC Cambio Climático: Una Mirada Interdisciplinar desde el Sur Global
Investigadores/as responsables: Anahí Urquiza y Eugenia Gayó
Coordinación: José Barraza
Año de ejecución: Curso por abrirse (2024)
Institución responsable: CR2, Universidad de Chile
Más información
Este curso entrega herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas para comprender las bases científicas de las transformaciones humanas sobre el Sistema Climático y relevar, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, las particularidades y retos que enfrenta el Sur Global en cuanto al cambio climático y al desarrollo sostenible.
Revisa el link del curso aquí.
Training Programs

Regional and Local Capacity Building Project for Climate Change Framework Law Implementation
Principal Investigator: Pilar Moraga
Coordination: Javiera Tapia and Ana María Ugarte
Implementation Year: 2024
Responsible Institutions: Environmental Law Center CDA and CR2, Universidad de Chile
Partner: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO
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The program develops and implements comprehensive training to advance carbon neutrality and increase resilience to climate change effects. It strengthens technical and administrative capacities of key executing entities and subnational stakeholders, integrating gender and intercultural approaches. Primary beneficiaries include regional institutions, SEREMI, municipalities, private sector, NGOs, academia, and local rural communities.

Training Course for Women Directors of Water User Organizations with Gender Perspective
Principal Investigator: Anahi Urquiza
Coordination: Macarena Salinas
Implementation Period: 2023-2024
Responsible Institutions: CR2 and Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LAT), Universidad de Chile
Partner: General Water Directorate, Ministry of Public Works
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The General Water Directorate (DGA), through its Department of User Organizations (DOU), and the University of Chile, developed an agreement titled “Support Program for Water User Organizations (WUO).” This was conducted in collaboration with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the same institution, through the Territorial Analysis Laboratory.
Within the framework of this agreement, several lines of work were implemented. One of these was L1, “Training Course for Women Directors of User Organizations with a Gender Perspective,” which aims to provide theoretical and methodological tools in water governance, gender perspective, and organizational functioning, taking into account the challenges of women’s participation in board decision-making processes.

Housing and Cities in the Context of Climate Change
Principal Investigator: Pamela Smith
Coordination: Macarena Salinas
Implementation Year: 2023
Responsible Institution: CR2, Universidad de Chile
Partner: Déficit Cero
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The course aimed to provide social leaders with an understanding of housing, urban, and resident challenges in the context of climate change. It included analysis of urban and housing planning instruments, as well as climate change impacts on health. Through case studies and workshops, participants developed capabilities to implement practices at both individual and community levels to address these challenges.

Development and Implementation of Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building Program at the Subnational Level for the 2050 Climate-Resilient and Low-Emission Development Strategy
Principal Investigator: Pilar Moraga
Coordination: Benjamín González
Implementation Year: 2021
Responsible Institution: CR2, Universidad de Chile
Partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH. GIZ Office in Chile
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The project aimed to strengthen the capacities of Regional Climate Change Committees (CORECC) in climate change management and reflect on regional government challenges in climate public policy towards 2050.

Diploma in Climate Action and Municipal Management
Principal Investigator: Bárbara Morales
Implementation Year: 2021
Responsible Institutions: CR2 and Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LAT), Universidad de Chile
Partner: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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This diploma program was taught by CR2 researchers and completed by more than 80 municipal officials from across the country, who acquired various tools to integrate climate change considerations into municipal management.