Fires Blaze Through South-Central Chile (NASA Earth Observatory)
toked by a summer heat wave and strong winds, widespread fires have been raging through south-central Chile since February 2, 2023. Over the course...
Snow Blanket for the Andes (Nasa Earth Observatory)
As extreme summer heatwaves deepened droughts and fueled wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere, winter storms brewed south of the equator. In July 2022, back-to-back...
‘We beg God for water’: Chilean lake turns to desert, sounding climate change alarm...
The Penuelas reservoir in central Chile was until twenty years ago the main source of water for the city of Valparaiso, holding enough water...
Policy brief | Environmental injustice and sacrifice zones: The Puchuncaví case
The socio-environmental history of Puchuncaví, a renowned sacrifice zone located in the Valparaíso Region, Chile, has been reconstructed for the last 136 years.
Chilean Volcano Low on Snow (Nasa Earth Observatory)
Pucón, Chile, is a popular summertime destination tucked between a glacier-carved lake and snow-capped volcano. Visible from nearly anywhere in the town, the stark-white...
Dying crops, spiking energy bills, showers once a week. In South America, the climate...
By Diego Laje, Anthony Faiola and Ana Vanessa Herrero
BUENOS AIRES — Sergio Koci’s sunflower farm in the lowlands of northern Argentina has survived decades...
Dual Storms in the Andes Mountains (Nasa Earth Observatory)
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Kathryn Hansen.
With winter looming in South...
Highest weather station in the Andes will help scientists search for climate answers (National...
The newly installed station will help Chile understand a historic drought with no signs of easing. Tupungato is one of the tallest mountains in Chile...
Analysis | The crucial role of satellite products in observing the Earth from space...
By Deniz Bozkurt, associate researcher (CR)2, and Roberto Rondanelli, associate researcher (CR)2 and academic DGF-FCFM Universidad de Chile.
Observation of Earth processes is vital to...