Seminario: ¿Resiliencia? Orígenes, evolución y su conceptualización en el manejo de desastres naturales


Seminario DGF: «Resiliencia? Origenes, evolución y su conceptualización en el manejo de desastres naturales»

Expositor: Paulina Aldunce, (CR)2, U de Chile – Univ. de Melbourne

Lugar: Sala de Seminarios DGF, Blanco Encalada 2120, 5to piso, Santiago.

Fecha: Miércoles 10 de Abril, 14:30hrs.

Contacto: Maisa Rojas / CR2

Organiza: Departamento de Geofísica, FCFM, U. de Chile.

Abstract: Resilience is not a new concept for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) practitioners and researchers, but only in the last decade has it been strongly introduced into the policy arena. However, there is no single, agreed definition of disaster resilience with the idea being highly contested. In this seminar the origins of the resilience theory and its evolution is analysed. How this theory has permeated the field of DRM and the resilience conceptualisation within this field is also presented.