9 de Mayo Charla: "Climate adaptation in Australia: successes, failures and some lessons learnt" Mark Howden


El «Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia» (CR)2, invita a la charla del Dr. Mark Howden, miembro de nuestro Panel Asesor Internacional y especialista en temas de Adaptación al Cambio Climático:

 «Climate adaptation in Australia: successes, failures and some lessons learnt» Viernes 9 de Mayo 2014/ 10:00 hrs./ SALA DE SEMINARIOS- 5TO PISO/ DPTO. GEOFÍSICA- FCFM./(Blanco Encalada 2002)

La charla será transmitida por streaming en: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184


Dr. Mark Howden, PhD from Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, in 1990 for his research on tropical grazing systems. Dr Howden was a major contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Second, Third and Fourth Assessment reports, the IPCC Regional Impacts Report and the IPCC Special Report on Land use, land use change and forestry that addressed issues of carbon sequestration and the Kyoto Protocol. He is a Lead Author on the Food Security chapter and a Contributing Author on the Australia-New Zealand chapter of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Impacts and Adaptation, as well as being on the IPCC Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report Core Writing Team. Theme Leader for Adaptive Primary Industries, Enterprises and Communities, leads a team of researchers working with community, government and industry stakeholders to enable agriculture, fisheries, forestry, other primary industries and mining, to prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change and ongoing climate variability.

Dr Howden’s specialist areas are: impacts of climate variability and change on agricultural and urban systems; the dynamics of grazed and cropped ecosystems; development of innovative and sustainable farming systems.


Para ver la charla en directo: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184

(página: http://new.livestream.com/ Canal: “Difusión CR2”/ cr2prensa@gmail.com)