Charla 17 Nov/ "The Black Saturday fires in Victoria, Australia: who was vulnerable?" Prof. John Handmer


black saturdayEl «Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia» (CR)2, invita a la charla del Prof. John Handmer:

«The Black Saturday fires in Victoria, Australia: who was vulnerable?»

Lunes 17 de Noviembre de 2014

14:30 hrs.



(Blanco Encalada 2002)

 La charla será transmitida por streaming en:


Professor John Handmer leads RMIT’s Centre for Risk and Community Safety and holds adjunct positions at the Australian National University and the Flood Hazard Research Centre in London.  He holds qualifications in Geography, Economics and Law.


He is a member of the National Flood Risk Advisory Group, the national committee revising the Australian Emergency Risk Assessment Guide, and was Principle Scientific Advisor for the Bushfire CRC.


Following the Black Saturday fires he co-led the Human Dimensions research effort, and was retained by the post-fire Public Enquiry to conduct an independent review of the fire fatalities.


He was Convener of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Emergency Management, and was a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC’s special report on extremes.  His research group has won a number of research awards, and was commended in the recent report Excellence in Innovation in Australia. He works on the human dimensions of emergency management and disasters.


Most recent paper:

Moritz, M., Handmer J., et al.  (2014)  Learning to Coexist with Wildfire. Nature doi:10.1038/nature13946.


Most recent book:

Handmer J and Dovers S (2013) Handbook of disaster policies and institutions: improving emergency management and climate change adaptation. Routledge.


Para ver la charla en directo:

(página: Canal: “Difusión CR2”/