19/03: Charla “The 2014 Melipilla fire that impacted Santiago: High resolution modeling of smoke and emissions constraint through inverse modeling”


El Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia (CR)2, invita a la charla del Dr. Pablo Saide (Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa) “The 2014 Melipilla fire that impacted Santiago: High resolution modeling of smoke and emissions constraint through inverse modeling”.

El evento se realizará el jueves 19 de marzo a las 15:00 hrs en la Sala de Seminarios del 5º piso del Departamento de Geofísica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (FCFM) de la Universidad de Chile (Blanco Encalada 2002, Santiago).

La charla será transmitida por streaming en: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184



A wild-fire that started in the Melipilla province and affected Santiago’s air quality on 4-9 January 2014 is studied by using a regional coupled chemistry meteorology model. Multiple sensitivity simulations are performed to assess the ability of the model to represent the timing and extent of the fire plume. The model is compared to multiple observational datasets, including 1km satellite aerosol optical depth (AOD) specially derived for this study, ground-based AOD and vertically resolved aerosols measured at the DGF, and PM, CO and meteorological conditions measured at Santiago’s air quality network. The observations are then used to constrain fire emissions using a variational inverse modeling approach. These results will be discussed and future directions will be outlined.

Para ver la charla en directo: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184

(Página: http://new.livestream.com Canal: “Difusión CR2”/ cr2prensa@gmail.com)