4 de Junio, Charla: "Estimaciones top-down de las emisiones de aerosoles"


Te invitamos a la Charla de Nicolás Huneeus, Académico del Departamento de Geofísica de la Universidad de Chile e Investigador del (CR)2 

Miércoles 4 de Junio de 2014, 14:30 hrs., SALA DE SEMINARIOS- 5TO PISO, DPTO. GEOFÍSICA- FCFM. (Blanco Encalada 2002)

 La charla será transmitida por streaming en: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184


Aerosol emissions are traditionally estimated from so called «bottom-up» approaches. These methods combine information such as energy consumption, combustion efficiency, emission factors and mitigation technology to compute disaggregated emissions fluxes. However, in the last decade “top-down” (or inversed) techniques have been developed that estimate aerosol emission by combining satellite data and numerical models. An inversion system exists that estimates, at the global scale, the monthly emissions of the main aerosol species, namely sulphur dioxide (SO2), black carbon (BC), particulate organic matter (POM), desert dust (DD) and sea salt (SS). These emissions are estimated for each species over a set of predefined regions by assimilating aerosol optical depth into a global aerosol model of intermediate complexity. These fluxes represent the best compromise between the assimilated observations and the available a priori information on the emissions. The inversion system has been applied to estimate the emissions from the period 2001 and 2010 and the sensitivity and robustness of the system to the choice of the a priori emission inventory has been investigated. The main results as well as the future perspective of this work will be presented.


Nicolás Huneeus es Investigador  de la Línea de Modelación y Sistemas de Observación del Centro de Ciencia de Clima y la Resiliencia (CR)2. Es Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Geofísica de la Universidad de Chile. En el año 2007 obtuvo un Doctorado en Física Atmosférica en la Universidad de Ciencias y Tecnologías de Lille, Francia, trabajando en la inversión de la distribución y propiedades físicas de los aerosoles a partir de datos satelitales, bajo la tutela del Profesor Olivier Boucher. Además es Ingeniero Químico y Magíster en Geofísica de la Universidad de Chile.

Para ver la charla en directo: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/7520184

(página: http://new.livestream.com/ Canal: “Difusión CR2”/ cr2prensa@gmail.com)