Call for postdoctoral fellowship in Modeling and Observing Systems at (CR)2


    The recently granted Center for Climate and Resilience Research ( by the Chilean Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT, aims at becoming a world-class research center focusing on Earth System Science, which in an interdisciplinary manner and in close relation to stakeholders, improves our understanding of the Earth System and is functional to the enhancement of societal resilience in Chile.

    We hereby invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the research area of Modeling and Observing Systems, more specifically in regional climate change modeling. The project that you will work on is part of a collaborative effort between the CR2 and the Hadley Center (

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    As part of the CR2, the Postdoctoral Researcher will (1)
    conduct regional climate modeling with the Hadley center regional model, (2) Analyze existing regional simulations with ERA-Interim boundary condition, (3) help design the best strategy for regional climate change simulations, including the definition of metrics to evaluate skill, robustness and uncertainties in regional climate change simulations.

    Successful candidates will have a PhD in one of the following fields of research: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Modeling. Good programming skills, and experience with regional climate modeling are highly desirable. Showing willingness and ability to conduct independent research while being a team player is also expected

    Salary is assigned according to CONICYT standards, equivalent to ca. 37 kUSD per year, which corresponds roughly to 2.5 times the Chilean per capita average income.

    Interested applicants should send their CV and a brief research proposal (up to 4 pages) to Prof. Laura Gallardo (, Center’s Director by August 15 2013. The decision will be communicated in late August 2013. The selected candidate is expected to start as soon as possible and no later than December 2013. If necessary, CR2 may cover traveling costs. For more information contact Prof. Maisa Rojas (
