Durante la semana del 8 al 12 de julio, se está realizando en Davos, Suiza, la reunión anual de la «Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution» (http://www.icacgp.org/), de la cual nuestra Directora, Laura Gallardo es Vice- Presidenta. En la instancia, realizará dos presentaciones: «Evidence for STE over Easter Island» y «Information content and evolution of the air quality network in Santiago de Chile» También se encuentra participando en la conferencia Maisa Rojas, investigadora de la línea Modelación y Sistemas de Observación, del (CR)2
Durante la reunión, entre otras cosas, se revisará el programa científico de la próxima conferencia que por primera vez se realizará en América del Sur. http://www.igac-icacgp2014.org/
Evidence for STE over Easter Island (27S,109W)
Abstract: Ozone soundings have been performed on Easter Island (27ºS, 109ºW, 51 m.a.s.l.) since 1995 as part of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) program of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). In this work, we analyze 186 soundings performed on Easter Island over the period 1995-2010. We characterize ozone profiles over this remote area of the Pacific by means of statistical analyses that consider, on the one hand, a traditional climatology that describes the data in terms of seasonal and annual cycles, and, on the other hand, a more process oriented analysis based on clustering techniques, and self-organizing maps. We show evidence for stratospheretroposphere exchange in connection with deep troughs and the presence of the subtropical jet stream, particularly during winter and spring.
Information content and evolution of the air quality network in Santiago de Chile
Abstract: We use both variational and statistical techniques to assess the evolution of the air quality network of Santiago, Chile (33.5S, 70.5W, 500 m.a.s.l). We focus on carbon monoxide (CO), a pollutant mainly linked to gasoline vehicles which acts as a nearly passive tracer at the city scale. We find that both techniques result in similar spatial clusters of stations responding to the main circulation and emission patterns of the network. As expected, the Information content of the network has increased since the late 1980´s. We provide an objective measure of that increase and discuss tools relevant for the evaluation and planning of air quality networks.